
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Calling All Breeders

With the Bring Em' All Back event going on in Dragonvale right now, all of you are probably hoping to breed at least ONE rare dragon right? I'm hoping dragonsRme will be able to help you out. I'll try to post every epic dragon breeding combo under the sun. Pull out your dragonvale playing device and get your fingers ready because it's time to get some breeding done!

Happy New Years!

First of all I want to wish everyone a very happy New Year's celebration! I'm sure that I probably wouldn't have gotten around to posting this on New Years, so it's a bit early. Have a great New Years all!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been super busy with school and robotics lately and I have also been busy spending time with family. This is just a notice that I'll be on again. Sorry for the inconveniences and the non-frequent posts. I'll try to post more in the future. Thanks for being so understanding. Don't forget to leave comments on what you think would make dragonsreme better! Thanks, Mia Tognoli :)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Dragonsrme is getting ready for Christmas!

Hey everyone,
Just so you know, DragonsRme is getting ready for Christmas!  Hip hip hooray!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Become the Ultimate breeder!

Hey everyone,
You know how I was talking about regular dragon breeding combos? Well here are 5 easy ones for new players on dragonvale! I'll try to com out with one of these every 3 days.How does that sound? Here are the first 5 combos...

1.  The Lava dragon: The lava dragon can be bred using any Fire or Earth Element dragons. Incubation time: 10 hours

2. The tree dragon: Breed using plant or earth! Incubation Time: 14 hours

3. The poison dragon: Plant and Fire! Incubation time: 30 minutes

4. The Moss dragon: Breed using plant and earth. Incubation Time: 12 hours

5. The obsidian dragon: Earth and fire! Incubation time: 8 hours

You are now well on your way to becoming a Master!  Shown below are the moss and obsidian dragoneggs  Moss Egg      Obsidian Egg


Hey peoples of the earth,
If you frequently come to Dragonsrme, you'll notice the design changed... a lot! It's nothing big, just minor remodeling. Wanted to let everyone know! See you all later! Site Manager, Mia tognoli

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!