
Friday, November 29, 2013

Dragonsrme is getting ready for Christmas!

Hey everyone,
Just so you know, DragonsRme is getting ready for Christmas!  Hip hip hooray!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Become the Ultimate breeder!

Hey everyone,
You know how I was talking about regular dragon breeding combos? Well here are 5 easy ones for new players on dragonvale! I'll try to com out with one of these every 3 days.How does that sound? Here are the first 5 combos...

1.  The Lava dragon: The lava dragon can be bred using any Fire or Earth Element dragons. Incubation time: 10 hours

2. The tree dragon: Breed using plant or earth! Incubation Time: 14 hours

3. The poison dragon: Plant and Fire! Incubation time: 30 minutes

4. The Moss dragon: Breed using plant and earth. Incubation Time: 12 hours

5. The obsidian dragon: Earth and fire! Incubation time: 8 hours

You are now well on your way to becoming a Master!  Shown below are the moss and obsidian dragoneggs  Moss Egg      Obsidian Egg


Hey peoples of the earth,
If you frequently come to Dragonsrme, you'll notice the design changed... a lot! It's nothing big, just minor remodeling. Wanted to let everyone know! See you all later! Site Manager, Mia tognoli

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 


Hey everyone, 
As you know dragonsrme is a dragonvale website. We have lots of different dragonvale breeding combos and tips on gameplay but we also have a problem. Right now, dragonsrme has only rare dragon breeding combos! There are no regular dragon combos. That's our problem! Dragonsrme needs your input to help us add dragons combos and more tips to our blog! We want to know what things you'd like to see on Dragomsrme! please leave comments or ides beow this post! We'll try to let you know if your post gets on. After you've left a post, we will decide whether or not to put it on our website.please check back after posting in 1-3 days! Thanks, Mia Tognoli: Website manager  

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Delightful Double Rainbow!


The double rainbow dragon... one of the newest and rarest dragons on dragonvale. It could be yours. While trying to breed a seasonal dragon, I stumbled across a combo that works for breeding the double rainbow! I am so proud of myself right now! The breeding combo for the double rainbow dragon is POLLEN AND BLAZING! This combo works better when using the epic breeding cave and\or epic breeding island with level 11 dragons. Just a tip! It takes 60 hours to breed.Shown above are the double rainbow dragon and egg.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Totally Topaz

It's November again and time to breed the topaz dragon! The topaz dragon is the gemstone dragon for November. It breeds in 30 hours and takes 30 hours to hatch. As an adult  dragon the topaz dragon can earn 1 gem a week. The breeding combo for the topaz dragon is Firefly and Cactus. Shown below are the topaz dragon and the topaz dragon egg.


Collecting magic

As you should all know if you read the last blog post, dragonvale is bringing back light and dark dragons to the world of dragonvale. The light dragon has already been brought back and is now up for sale. In your park there is an island with an odd machine on it.(Picture shown below.) The wizard will tell you about magic and how to collect it. You can gather magic in your park several different ways. 1. Breeding and hatching dragon eggs. 2. Racing dragons (You must own a racetrack to do this.) 3. Growing treats 4. Finishing and starting rounds in the colosseum (must have one to do so.). 5. buying items 6. Collecting coins from dragons
7.  Buying magic with gems or money    These are a bunch of ways to collect magic. Please tell me if I missed anything. 

The amazing rift dragon

As all older Dragonvale players know, the rift dragon is a new dragon that recently came to dragonvale. The light dragon is also available to buy in the shop. For newer players the rift dragon is a new dragon  on dragonvale that you can earn by collecting magic around your dragon park. (See collecting magic.) I just got the rift dragon and the light dragon a few weeks ago and now am well on my way to the dark reward habitat.  For everyone who has the dragon or almost has one, congratulations! For the players who haven't, keep trying. I know you'll get there eventually. Woohoo for the rift dragon!  See below: Rift dragon egg and habitat.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Hey everyone, 
I'm back after a long break! Get ready for some new posts! I've been so busy lately and I know I haven't been on but here I am!  I've got exciting news for all ;)